Attending: Shirley Anderson, PCC; Bonnie Olson, COCC; Lisa Tomlin, Clackamas; Rebecca Kenney, MHCC; Joy Lynn Woodard, MHCC; Denise Martin, LBCC; Vickie Chamberlain, Chemeketa; Mariann Hyland, Chemeketa; Marcia Keith, retired.
Not attending: Chris German, Clackamas; Mary Spilde, Lane; Dawn DeWolf, OCCC; Abbey Lee, TVCC.
Meeting was called to order and we held a round-table update regarding what is happening with attending members. Mariann Hyland has taken a position at OHSU and was attending her last AAWCC Board meeting. The board agreed that we would invite Karen Edwards from Chemeketa to join the board if she is willing. Karen declined at this time.
Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Fall Newsletter: Deadlines for articles have been handed out. All articles must be in to Abbey Lee by August 6. Check with Abby if you have any questions. Can bring articles and disc to Abby at Summer Retreat in July.
Campus Contacts: No feedback as of yet regarding newsletter (not yet completed).
Treasurer’s Report: (Denise Martin reporting.) The budget report has been reformatted slightly for clarity. The chapter has $5,959.86 in resources including invested C.D.’s. Budget report was approved.
OILD: (Lisa Tomlin reporting.) So far have 27 participants registered. There will be fewer expenses this year. Board reception is on June 19th after 4:00. Bring money if you want dinner. OILD runs from June 18 beginning at 12:00 p.m. to June 21st ending at 4:00 p.m.
Klamath Community College: (Shirley Anderson reporting.) Shirley received an email from the president noting that he believes the women at KCC are not interested in participating in AAWCC. The Board will contact colleagues at KCC and invite them to AAWCC Summer Retreat.
Summer Retreat: (Lisa Tomlin reporting.) Rebecca Kenney will be sending post cards out immediately. They need to be returned by July 6th. Emails are being sent out to all campuses. We need at least 20 to break even; so far 3 have already registered. No registrations received from board members as of yet. Retreat is at Umpqua this year. Sharon Ellison (conference presenter) will have tapes available for purchase at the conference. Cost per attendee is $75.
Board Retreat: (Shirley Anderson reporting.) Dawn Dewolf located houses in Roseburg (Idylwild) and Eugene as possible retreat sites. Board settled on Roseburg houses. We will only have Friday and Saturday nights, July 20 and 21. Board meeting will begin after the retreat and continue through Sunday noon on the 22nd.
Conference Update: (Vickie Chamberlain reporting.) Vickie promised to have more information and project outlines by July Board retreat. MHCC will help with the packets and COCC will help with the registration.
By-laws: We will have a discussion of proposed by-laws changes at the July retreat.
Scholarship Proposals: (Lisa Tomlin reporting.) Forms for the state conference are designed to encourage people to seek all available campus resources prior to asking for AAWCC state help. Revised form was adopted by the group.
Archivist Volunteer: Discussion of this issue was postponed until the Summer Retreat.
Grant Report: (Marcia Keith reporting.) Grants to local chapters, reports back are that they have been a success. Marcia will send report out to board members.
Web Page: (Lisa Tomlin reporting.) Lisa talked to Karen Nelson at OCCA. Karen would like to have no more than 3 contacts from AAWCC: 1 for the newsletter; 1 for the conference (registration forms) and 1 for OILD/Summer Retreat. AAWCC may talk about partnership with OCCA on Secretaries Conference.
Other: Race for the Cure: Need to get notices out to campus contacts. Race is September 16, 2001.
JoyLynn researched the cost of the lapel pins. For a minimum order of 300 pins, there is a $60 set up fee and $510 for 300 pins. The board agreed to hold off ordering pins until we discuss what we are going to do with membership. This discussion will take place in July at the retreat.