Meeting Date: November 14, 2001
Persons Attending: Shirley Anderson, Vickie Chamberlain,
Dawn DeWolf, Chris German, Marcia Keith, Rebecca Kenney, Denise
Martin, Bonnie Olson, Lisa Tomlin, JoyLynn Woodard
Guests: Sue Quast, Chapter President, Portland
Community College
- | Conference Update | - | Awards |
- | Registration | - | Baskets |
- | Volunteers/Ballot | - | Expectations of Board Members |
- | Folders | - | Treasurer's Report |
- | Campus Contact Dinner Agenda | - | Minutes |
- | Silent Auction | - | Spring Newsletter |
- | Luncheon | - | Web page |
- | Summer Retreat |
Meeting Notes:
Conference Updates - Vickie
Vickie announced the latest changes with the conference. She reported
that there is one evaluation for the entire conference and that participants
would receive a candy bar for turning in their evaluation form. She
announced that there are a few items to be added to the packets,
in which the board will be putting together after the meeting.
The board discussed the process for tickets for receiving the door
prizes. Overall, Vickie said she is pleased with how the conference
is coming together and the volume of help she has received. She is
grateful to everyone who is helping.
Registration - Bonnie
Bonnie announced that there were approximately 152 women registered.
The board discussed how the registration process went.
Volunteers/Ballot - Dawn
Dawn announced that she had a partial list of volunteers for the
breakout sessions. The list will be at the registration table for
people to sign up.
Dawn passed around the ballot for this year's elections and by-laws
Folders - Rebecca
Rebecca went through the contents of the folder. The board thanked
Mt. Hood for putting together the packets.
Silent Auction - Denise/Lisa
Denise reviewed the process for the silent auction. Denise and Lisa's
goal is to beat last year's amount raised.
Luncheon - Shirley
Shirley reviewed the format for Thursday's lunch with the Presidents.
She went over with the board the topics for the business meeting
during Friday's lunch.
Awards - Shirley/Dawn
Plaques for retiring board members will be given out on Friday during
lunch. Shirley asked Dawn to present her with her plaque.
Baskets - Vickie
Board members will be responsible for collecting the baskets and
making sure they are labeled correctly-silent auction or door prize.
Expectations of Board Members at the Conference - All
Rebecca will make signs for the selling of t-shirts and pins. T-shirts
are selling for $10 and "goddess buttons" are selling for
$1. Sign up sheet for volunteers for facilitation of breakout session
and registration desk will be at the registration table. Marcia will
do a Race for the Cure flyer. The board will be present to greet
people at the OILD/NILD reception, silent auction, and greeting participants
at the conference. Candidate attendance will be at the evening activities
on Thursday. Board member ribbons.
Treasurer's Report - Denise
Denise reported that as of November 13, the balance in the bank is
$18, 951.40. She reviewed the budget sheets with the board. Chris
motioned to accept the treasurer's report. Lisa and JoyLynn second
the motion. The board approved the treasurer's report.
Approval of October 12th Minutes - Chris
Minor changes will be made to the October 12th minutes. JoyLynn motioned
to approve the amended minutes. Dawn second the motion. The Board
approved the amended minutes.
Spring Newsletter - Chris
Dawn, Chris and the new VP of Communications will meet and review
the timelines and report to the board regarding the timelines for
the spring newsletter. The board reviewed the topic items for the
spring newsletter. The list and assignments are as follows:
President's Corner-Dawn
NILD Information-Lisa
2002 Summer Retreat Info & Reg Form-Bonnie
2002 OILD Session- Lisa/Miriam
OILD 2001 Highlights-Denise
16th Annual Fall Conference & Conference Presentation Proposal-Linda
2001 Board Members, Highlight New Board Members & Position-Lisa & New
VP of Communications
Race for the Cure Article-Shirley
NILD Experience Article-Shirley
15th Annual Conference Highlights-Vickie
2001 Carolyn DesJardins Award Winner-Shirley
2001 CC Excellence Awards-Dawn
Keeping In Touch-Campus Contacts-New VP of Communications
Becoming A Member Application-New VP of Membership
Board Members Info-New VP of Communications
Campus Contact Info-New VP of Communications
Region X Representation/Conference-Lisa/Dawn/Shirley
Highlight Bylaw Membership Changes & Announce posting on the
Web page-New VP of Communications
Web page - All
The board discussed the web page and concluded that we need a Webmaster.
Dawn has two people interested in working on the web page. She will
check with Andrea and Karen regarding the web page-outside access
for design, etc. The board will discuss and decide what to do about
the web page at our next meeting in February.
Summer Retreat - Lisa
Lisa announced that Linda Moore is confirmed for the Summer Retreat,
June 21, 2002 in Newport doing "Women Against Women." We
will be paying her $500 to present.
The board will meet with Oregon Coast Community College's AAWCC Chapter
while in Newport for the Summer Retreat.
Assignment List:
President's Corner-Dawn
NILD Information-Lisa
2002 Summer Retreat Info & Reg Form-Bonnie
2002 OILD Session- Lisa/Miriam
OILD 2001 Highlights-Denise
16th Annual Fall Conference & Conference Presentation Proposal-Linda
2001 Board Members, Highlight New Board Members & Position-Lisa & New
VP of Communications
Race for the Cure Article-Shirley
NILD Experience Article-Shirley
15th Annual Conference Highlights-Vickie
2001 Carolyn DesJardins Award Winner-Shirley
2001 CC Excellence Awards-Dawn
Keeping In Touch-Campus Contacts-New VP of Communications
Becoming A Member Application-New VP of Membership
Board Members Info-New VP of Communications
Campus Contact Info-New VP of Communications
Region X Representation/Conference-Lisa/Dawn/Shirley
Highlight Bylaw Membership Changes & Announce posting on the
Web page-New VP of Communications
Next Meeting: November 16, 2001 after the conference debrief
Agenda Items:
Decision regarding Web page February meeting