Meeting Date: February 1, 2002
Persons Attending: Shirley Anderson, Vicki Chamberlain, Dawn DeWolf, Chris German, Anne R Key, Abby Lee, Denise Martin, Bonnie Olson, Linda Riesser, Ann Smart, Jan Woodcock
Agenda: See attached
Approval of Minutes: Chris
Minutes of November 14th meeting approved as amended by Chris.
Minutes of November 16th meeting approved as amended by Chris
Motion: Bonnie, Second: Ann, In favor: All present
Treasurers Report: Denise
Budget: After receivables are collected, Denise projects the checking balance to be $17,110. Denise suggests that $8,000 or $9,000 be put in a 6month CD. Ann suggested looking at money-market account. Denise will research the amount to invest and the best options. She will email suggestions, and the board will vote by email. Budget Report Approved: Motion: Shirley, Second: Dawn, In favor: All present
Newsletter: Chris and Abby
On February 4th, Abby will begin collecting items for the newsletter. On February 18th, all submissions are due to Abby.
Responsibilities for the newsletter:Presidents Corner: Dawn
NILD promotion: Lisa
Race for the Cure: Shirley
Summer Retreat and Registration: Bonnie
2002 OILD: Lisa and Miriam
Test 2001 OILD Highlights: Denise
Fall Conference Info: Linda
2001 Conference Highlights: Vicki
Carolyn Desjardins award: Shirley
Community College Excellence Award: Dawn
Campus Contacts: Abby
Board Member Information: Abby
Box about national website
connect to web page with information for campus contacts
Fall Conference:
The group brainstormed ideas for next conference. Email Linda R with any ideas for presenters and presentations. We discussed using the format from the 2000 conference with the three tracks. The group brainstormed key-note possibilities.
Calendar Dates for Board Meetings:
April 5th 1-6pm: Portland
July 19th 10 4: Salem
October 4th 10 4: Greenwood in Portland
November 13th: 12-4 Greenwood in Portland
Calendar Dates for Events:
June 17 20: OILD
June 18: Summer Retreat
November 14-15 AAWCC Annual Conference
Waiting for information from Lisa and Miriam. One AAWCC board member to attend.
Summer Retreat:
Place: Inn at Otter Crest. Theme: Women against women. Presenter: Linda Moore. Bonnie will work on costing.
Meeting with New Presidents:
Tabled until next meeting.
The group discussed the membership issues. Chris is going to work on a system to bill for membership dues. Vicki said that each member who joins is a member until December 31st of that next year (i.e. if someone joins June 2002, they will be a member until December 31st 2003). She also suggested that we discuss institutional memberships. Chris showed us membership pins. The board will re-visit the pin idea
Web Page:
We need help. Dawn suggested calling Angela McMahonshe expressed interest in helping.
Connection with National:
Dawn will invite Mary Spilde to come and talk about strengthening this connection.
The board discussed ways to archive. Vicki suggested putting each year in a notebook. Suggested contents would be financial information, minutes, agendas, by-laws, newsletter, conference information and a scrapbook type of thing. Bonnie will give hard copies of registration to Denise. Vicki passed out By-laws and Campus Contact list.
For Next Meeting:
Members suggested having a discussion about different ways to include retired and past members maybe a special price for students for the annual conference? Or maybe written invitation to Thursday night salon? Vicki said goodbye, after 6 years. BUT, she will be available for help.
Dawn adjourned the meeting.