August 1, 2002

In attendance: Dawn DeWolf, Jan Woodcock, Chris German, Linda Riesser, Lisa Tomlin, Anne Key, Ann Smart, Shirley Anderson, Denise Martin.

Agenda: see attached

Approval of Minutes: Anne
April minutes will be approved electronically in August.

Treasurers Report: Denise
(see attached budget) Summer conference did well. We will earn $1700 from that conference. Denise added the website into the budget and paid the corporate division fee. Lisa discussed having seed money for OILD.
Motion: The $200 expense for speaker travel for summer conference will be put toward the speaker travel expense of OILD. Second.
Vote: unanimous consent
Motion: Approve 2002 budget. Second.
Vote: unanimous consent.

OILD: Lisa
OILD went very well. Lisa said that it was an amazing group of women. Lisa suggested that the board think about leadership for OILD --- having someone apprentice for a few years. Mary will not be able to continue. Shirley suggested inviting Mary to a meeting and dedicating a good portion of the meeting to OILD. Jan and Dawn volunteered to help with OILD next year. Shirley volunteered as a support person. Dawn suggested having a plan, a back-up plan, and a back-up person. Lisa reiterated that she really wants to have 2 people at the conference the entire time. Lisa will continue to publicize the open seats so that some colleges may send more than one person. Shirley suggested that the colleges that want to be part of the lottery for open seats identify themselves at the beginning of the process.

Annual Conference: Linda
(see attached) Linda handed out a Conference at a Glance preliminary schedule. We assigned various tasks to people (see list at end). Deadline to get things to Ann to go into the registration packet is November 1st.

Newsletter: Abby
Fall newsletter needs to be delivered by October 1.

Website: Angela
Looks great. Angela is ready to put up information about the conference. Chris voiced her support for Miriams idea about putting up information on awards throughout the year as well as information about past recipients.

Archives: Jan
Jan will get more information to Angela from the archives to put up on the web. Jan will also bring a laptop and projector so we can show the webpage during the salon and get feedback.

Summer Conference: All
Went very, very well. OCCC enjoyed hosting.

Open Board Positions: Lisa
Motion: Move that we accept Bonnie Olsons resignation, as she is moving to a position at a four year institution, and that we appoint Julie (Walker) Huckestein as interim Vice President of Summer Retreat. Second.
Vote: unanimous consent.

Open Board Positions 03-05:
VP Finance
Member at Large/Secretary
VP Summer Retreat
VP Annual Conference

National: All
No additional information.

Membership: Chris
We have 271 members. Chris has added the year of expiration to the membership certificates.

Race for the Cure: Shirley
Race for the Cure is September 15th in Portland. Anyone interested can register on the website (http://www.raceforthecure-pdx.org ). Our group is registering for the 5K walk that begins at 9am. We will meet in front of the Portland fire station at 55 SW ash at 8:30 am. Be sure and wear your Oregon AAWCC t-shirt. Shirley and Dawn talked about what an amazing, incredible, emotional experience this race is. Shirley is willing to organize a lunch or after-race event.

To Do:
