Notes from AAWCC Board Meeting

October 30, 2002

Chemeketa Community College, Salem, OR

In attendance: Dawn DeWolf, Jan Woodcock, Chris German, Anne Key, Ann Smart, Shirley Anderson, Denise Martin, Abby Lee, Julie Huckenstein, Linda Reisser, Angela McMahon, Alice Jacobson, Mary Spilde.

Approval of Minutes: Anne
Approval of minutes for meetings in April and August: approved unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Denise
Approval of Adjusted Budget: approved unanimously.
Approval of October 29, 2002 Treasurers Report: approved unanimously

Conference Update: Linda
Linda handed out conference brochure. The group discussed volunteer duties. The group agreed to give baskets throughout the conference. Every conference attendee will receive one ticket for the drawings.

The Board discussed conference attendance.

Linda will simplify the evaluation form. Presenters will not get individual feedback. Everyone needs to work on getting items for the silent auction.

NILD: Dawn
Mary and Alice discussed the connection between Oregon AAWCC and national AAWCC. Mary is the President of the national AAWCC and Alice is presently on the NILD board. She remarked that AAWCC is an organization that provides a voice for women at the national level with the AACC board, especially regarding gender issues such as gender equity. AAWCC formed NILD through a FIPSE grant, with the mission to prepare women for higher leadership positions in colleges. At the annual AACC meeting, there is a reception co-hosted by AACC and NILD and a breakfast hosted by AAWCC. AAWCC national provides the 501C3 status for the state and local groups

Mary commented on the relationship between state and national AAWCC. She feels that it is important to keep the national connection to give the state group the larger vision as well as to give the local groups legitimacy.

Linda discussed the need to have an organized membership billing from the national organization. Mary said that the membership billing has recently been organized so that receiving notification should not be a problem.

Dawn talked about how to promote the connection with national AAWCC. Shirley said that she felt that all Oregon AAWCC board members should belong to national. The fee to belong to national is based on a sliding scale.

Mary said that the national board meets twice per year, at AACT and AACC. During the year there is a great deal of electronic communication. Shirley mentioned that national AAWCC brought an issue around classified staff development to the AACC.

Mary offered to write a piece for the Oregon AAWCC newsletter discussing activities of the national AAWCC group. Mary also suggested that during each Oregon AAWCC meeting, the board should decide what information should be sent to the national organization.

Colleges can have a recognized chapter of National AAWCC if they have 10 or more national members. Dawn says that only 1 college in Oregon qualifies as a national chapter. Denise brought up that one of the biggest reasons to be part of the national AAWCC group is the connection for legitimacy for the state AAWCC group.

Mary said that national AAWCC focus this year is Filling the Leadership Pipeline making sure that there are women who can step in to leadership positions across the state.

Alice suggested that the Oregon AAWCC follow the national AAWCC annual conference theme, or use the past years national theme for the current years conference. Mary also suggested that the state and local chapters could begin to feed in information and input on national agenda items.
Dawn talked about giving Mary and Alice time on Thursday to talk to about National AAWCC at the conference.

Denise brought up that maybe one person from the Oregon AAWCC board could attend the national conference every year.

Julie brought up that one real plus for having local chapters qualify as national AAWCC chapters is that the local chapter can use the 501C3 status from the national group.  Linda said that a good place to discuss the connection with national would be at the campus contact breakfast.

Shirley suggested that the National board look at having a retiree fee. Denise advocated having a classified fee that was lower than a management fee. Mary suggested that the colleges that have institutional members should use those memberships for classified staff, particularly those that dont have budget to pay for it.

Mary and Alice discussed the importance of sending college staff to NILD. Dawn and Alice said that they dont believe that there is a degree requirement to attend (there used to be a requirement that attendees had a Masters degree, when preparing people for presidencys was the thrust). Mary and Dawn said that there were scholarships available. Shirley said that she wished that National NILD had a list of past participants by state. Alice will call and try to get promotional information for NILD to put in AAWCC conference participant packets.

OILD: Dawn
Dawn discussed about the last summers OILD conference. Mary said that this is the last year that she will work as co-director. Because of numerous events last year, Mary is feeling that OILD needs more support than 2 co-directors. She feels that the organization needs a little more depth. Mary, Lisa, and Miriam met a few weeks ago to look at timelines. They have changed the agenda based on conversations with participants. They are going to ask that every presentation have a dialogue piece built in they want to infuse strategic conversations with the presentations. Also, they are going to work around a theme. This summer it will be around change and organizations.

Dawn opened discussion.

Shirley said that in the past, the AAWCC VP of special projects was in-charge of OILD. Jan discussed that it is very important to have a well-known presence, such as Mary and Alice, at the conference. Alice said that we should look at what legitimizes OILD and that is AAWCC. She said that Presidents dont know what happens at OILD, but that they know it is connected with Oregon AAWCC, and that is where the legitimacy lies. She feels that the head of OILD needs to be passionate about it, have connections to get speakers --- not necessarily be a big dog. Mary affirmed that participants really need the full 4 days at Silver Falls for the experience. Shirley said that maybe we could get someone to coordinate the whole program and someone else would do the logistical part. But she cautioned about spreading the responsibilities too far. Ann said that when we first started OILD that Diane Mulligan brought together an advisory group. Dawn said that an advisory group would be a good support for the OILD. Alice said that OILD started because Stephanie Sussman had a burning desire to do it. She said we should look around and see if there are women on our campuses who would be interested in this. Denise said that taking charge of both the Summer Conference and OILD would be too much for the VP of special projects.

Dawn suggested that we not make any decisions today but that we continue to discuss this. Mary passed out the OILD 03 tentative schedule and discussed changes from last year. The board discussed how to decide which colleges could send more than 1 person to OILD and scholarships. Denise suggested bumping the group to 28. Mary said that 28 would be the absolute maximum of participants. Dawn and Denice talked about fundraising activities. Mary said that in January letters go out to the institutions to the President to begin the process of finding someone to send to OILD. She said that campus contacts really need to keep on this to make sure that a representative is chosen.

Shirley wanted to know when we would know if Miriam would be available to do the logistical piece of OILD. Mary is checking with her group.

Mary said that anyone who worked with OILD would need to have experience facilitating group process. Dawn suggested that maybe we solicit interest at the fall conference for becoming involved with OILD.

Web Page Discussion: Angela
Angela introduced the new web look. Angela would like to further develop the award area. She discussed sending electronic copies of the newsletter. Jan and Angela are working on the archival aspects of the web page.

Newsletter: Abby
The board discussed the printed vs electronic versions of the newsletter. Abby says that if we went electronic, the newsletter would change. Shirley said that we need to discuss what are the goals of the newsletter. Dawn would like to discuss this with the campus contacts. Chris suggested having a box to check on the registration form if someone wanted to receive the newsletter electronically or on paper.

Open Board Positions: Dawn
The board discussed which positions are open.

Membership: Chris
Currently we have 291 members. 1/3 are 2002 members whose memberships will expire Dec 02. Denise suggested purchasing software to design certificates. Shirley said that it was a good board retreat discussion. Chris wants to discuss this before OILD and Summer Conference. Chris will send out a letter to members whose membership expires after the 2002 Conference. Shirley talked about sending a friendly it wont be the same without you type of note to members that have lapsed. The board acknowledged Chris work with this new process. Looks great so far.

Race for the Cure: Shirley
Sixteen were there the banner was proudly displayed. Shirley is getting information together for the conference participants.

To Do:









