AAWCC Board Meeting Notes
November 15, 2002
Greenwood InnBeaverton Oregon

Board Members Present: Dawn DeWolf, Lisa Tomlin, Shirley Anderson, Denise Martin, Chris German, Abby Lee, Julie Huckestein, Ann Smart, Jan Woodcock, Angela McMahon, Linda Reisser

Board Members Absent: Anne Key, Mary Spilde

Note taker: Julie Huckestein for Anne Key

Dawn called the meeting to order at approximately 2:00 p.m.

Results of Election

Dawn announced the results of the election. Denise Martin was re-elected to the position of VP for Finance and Julie Huckestein was re-elected to the position of VP for Summer Conference. Denise Swafford was elected to the position of Member at Large Secretary. There were five names submitted for the VP for Annual Conference position. Based on previous discussions held during the nominations period, the board agreed to appoint Diane Watson from LBCC to the position and appointed Angela McMahon to assist Diane with the conference logistics.

Motion: Shirley Anderson moved to appoint Diane Watson as VP for Annual conference and Angela McMahon as Conference Logistics. Jan Woodcock seconded. Dawn called for the vote and the motion passed unanimously.

The board discussed ways to involve the other women whose names were submitted for the VP for Annual Conference. Board members suggested that Diane and Angela seek assistance from those women and ask that they be involved with conference planning. Diane and Angela will bring a list of the conference duties to the Board retreat in February.

Linda Reisser arrived after the elections discussion.

Board Retreat

The board retreat will be held Feb 7-9 at the coast. Julie and Dawn will look for accommodations for 14 people. Dawn will e-mail Diane Watson and Denise Swafford so they can get the dates on their calendars.

Newsletter and Membership Certificates

The board continued a discussion from the Nov. 13th board meeting surrounding feedback needed from the membership related to the membership certificates (are they necessary or appreciated?) and the newsletter mailing (should hard copies be mailed to the campuses/organizations or is e-mail sufficient?). The board agreed that Angela would post the questions on the web site and/or send an email to the members once the board determines what questions need to be asked. Discussion continued regarding the newsletter. It was suggested that we include an article in the newsletter that notifies the membership that we are considering discontinuing hard copies of the newsletter and requesting feedback on the suggestion from the membership.

It was also suggested that the community college presidents and community college women board members receive a copy of the newsletter. Chris will e-mail Abby (and Angela??) the list of recipients.

Dates for publishing the newsletter were discussed. It was decided that the deadline to submit items would be established some time in January in order to mail the newsletter in early March. Abby will put together a to-do list with timelines. This will allow us to advertise OILD and the summer conference to the membership.

Dates for future Board Meetings/Events

Feb 7-9 Board Retreat at Coast (location TBA)
May 16 10-4 Board meeting at LBCC
June 18 Leaders Reception at Silver Falls
June 20?? Summer Retreat (location TBApossibly Rogue)
Sept 12 10-4 Board meeting (location TBA)
Nov 12-14 Annual Conference at Greenwood Inn

Summer Conference

There was general discussion related to the date and location of the summer conference. It was decided that the topic would be related to the needs of the women on the campus hosting the conference. The board felt that the week of OILD was the best time to hold the retreat and the 20th of June was suggestedeven though it would create some scheduling difficulties. It was agreed that Julie would contact Denise at Rogue and find out if they are still interested in hosting the conference and suggest a conference theme related to change and surviving, thriving and coping with change. Julie will keep in contact with the board via e-mail since the next board meeting is not until February. Julie will give details of the conference to Angela as soon as possible to post on the web site.

Fall Conference Debrief

-Shirley said a conference attendee suggested that we invite women community college board members to the conference and that the board work to find ways to encourage faculty involvement/attendance at the conference.

-It was felt there was a strong mix of workshop sessions offered and that all were well attended. The group agreed it was important to continue having a strong mix of sessions in all tracks and to continue offering the mind, body and spirit track as attendance has increased over the last five or so years.

-Most of the conference went very smoothly. Conference attendees suggested a short break between the lunch and the keynote on Thursday. Possibly extend end time on Thursday to have more time at Thursday lunch for networking and a break between lunch and the presentation.

-There were issues with the yoga session. The session did not start on time and ended early (abruptly) according to several attendees.

-Name tags should list name and college/agency only. Job titles are not necessary.

-Suggested that attendees be reminded to thank their supervisors for allowing them to attend conference.

-Dawn will write a letter to presidents who sent attendees.

-A suggestion was made to give presidents a choice about whether to use the baskets for the drawing or for the silent auction. Baskets need to be solicited earlier than two weeks before the conferencesome schools felt that a longer time period was needed.

-Thank you notes need to be sent to the presidents offices that donated baskets. The school include: Lane, Clackamas, Treasure Valley, LBCC, Rogue, and Chemeketa. (Anne Key to do, please)

-Denise will send thank you notes to the people/schools/businesses who donated silent auction items. The silent auction made $800 for scholarships.

-There was a lengthy discussion regarding the Thursday night activity. The board was disappointed in the overall attendance, even though some schools had good attendance. The board agreed that more work needs to be done to determine what will be most effective and what attendees prefersome ideas: dinner sign-ups, a reception after dinner in a smaller room, interest groups. The board will discuss at the board retreat.

-A conference attendee commented on the lack of networking between women from different schools. She felt that women networked within their own schools, but not much with women from other schools. The board will discuss ways to encourage networking at the board retreat.

-A conference attendee asked if the presenter materials could be posted on the web site. Angela suggested it might be too late for that since the conference was over and we didnt ask for the materials from the presenters.

-Linda will tally the conference evaluations and report to the board at the February retreat.

-The conference site was discussed. The board felt it was important to keep the conference at the Greenwood Inn for one more year since conference attendees are usually notified at the conference of any change for the subsequent year. It was agreed that the Greenwood offered good room prices and free parking. It was also agreed that the staff were very responsive, especially the man (name???) who worked directly with several of the board members when issues arose. There were some issues that needed to be addressed----Lisa agreed to work with the hotel to re-negotiate some of the items that were in the original contract that have been lost due to change in management at the Inn; such as the agreement that AAWCC would be the only conference held at the facility during our dates and the donation to the silent auction (2 nights in the Grand Suite). Other items that could be improved are rooms for board members that are closer to the conference facility. It was decided that the board needed to revisit what made the Greenwood a great place for the conference. There was a concern about the size of the facility and whether or not it could accommodate a group much larger than we were this year. There was also a concern about whether the conference prices are comparable to other conference sites in todays economy. Lisa agreed to form a committee to research conference facilities that could accommodate our group with the understanding that the research would be done prior to the 2003 conference in case we decide to move in 2004. Further discussion will be held at the board retreat.

-153 people registered for the conference.

-Jan has the OILD posters. She will contact Miriam to find out whether she should arrange to deliver them to her or keep them for conference in June.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:45 p.m.

Action Items

Retreat Agenda Items
