AAWCC Board Retreat Notes
February 7-8, 2003
Lincoln City, Oregon

Friday, February 7, 2003

2:00 5:00 p.m. Arrival
6:00 p.m. Dinner and Sharing
8:00 p.m. Board Transition Time

Friday, February 8, 2003

Dawn DeWolf commenced the meeting at approximately 9:15 a.m. and reviewed the proposed agenda.


Dawn DeWolf, President, Shirley Anderson, Past President, Lisa Tomlin, President Elect, Denise Martin, VP Finance, Chris German, VP Membership, Diane Watson, VP Professional Development, Julie Huckestein, VP Special Projects,
Abby Lee, VP Communication, Denise Swafford, Board Member at Large, Secretary, Ann Smart, Board Member at Large Conference Registration; Jan Woodcock, Board Member at Large, Archivist; Linda Riesser

Absent: Angela McMahon, Ex-Officio Member

  1. OILD Transition Plan
    1. Board members discussed one-year transition plan for change in leadership of the Oregon Institute of Leadership Development, as Mary Spilde will be stepping down from that responsibility. Lisa Tomlin and Miriam Jordan are prepared to continue their roles.
    2. It was suggested that Angela McMahon attend as an understudy at this years conference (June 16-19). The boards past president will serve as board liaison to OILD. This will require a change to the by-laws.
    3. Format Considerations - The board will work on format changes such as:
      • Changing the reception to Wednesday instead of Tuesday and using reception time for spontaneous story-telling
      • Discuss issues related to dealing with change
      • Consider alternate speakers or a new twist/freshness for regular speakers who are beginning to feel burn-out.
      • Add more problem solving exercises, including personal case studies (specific personal themes).
      • Brainstorm about other speakers and new ideas
    4. The purpose of OILD is to support future leaders some adjustments to the program need to be made for more structure, including the ice-breaker and other activities.
    5. Lisa said posters need some TLC, as they are becoming dog-eared and photographs are falling off. It was suggested the OILD committee consider using electronic photographs and/or using folding poster board for future displays.
    6. Deadline for nominations for OILD is April 11. Diane Watson will participate.
      Board members are invited to June 18, 4:00 p.m. reception to meet participants.
      The OILD Committee needs to determine how to help Miriam with invitations to all prior board members. This will be the presidents responsibility.
    7. It was suggested an E-mail be forwarded to campus contacts (contacts@awcc.com) regarding the June 18 reception. OILD, NILD, college presidents, board and
      past board members should all be invited.
    8. The OILD Committee will decide what needs to be done next and keep the board informed on progress.
  2. Advisory Council/Membership/Responsibilities
    1. Dawn proposed the board consider appointing an advisory council to assist with communication of events like the Annual Conference and OILD Conference. This year, for example, the fall conference conflicted with an OCCA Presidents Council meeting due to a communication error.
    2. Board members agreed with this proposal and the goals and responsibilities for such a council were discussed including possible members:
      1. All Women Community College Presidents
      2. Cam Preus-Braly, CCWD (Department of Community College and Workforce Development)
      3. Andrea Henderson, OCCA (Oregon Community College Association)
      4. Liz Goulard, CIA (Council of Instructional Administrators)
      5. Ann Smart (other former board members)
      6. Berta Dargen, UCC (Umpqua Community College)
      7. Nan Poppe, PCC (Portland Community College)
      8. Brenda Brecke SOCC (Southwestern Oregon Community College)
      9. Mary Louise Doran, RCC (Rogue Community College)
    3. Responsibilities: Serve as advisors for AAWCC with ideas and suggestions for planning and activities; assist with logistics for individuals interested in participating in OILD and annual conference, but unable to due to time or budget restrictions; encourage and support AAWCC membership.
    4. Considering that most of these women already have very busy schedules and the responsibilities should be very minimal/low-key advisory.
    5. It was recommended that this group be referred to as the Executive Advisory Council (EAC).
    6. The EAC should be set up within next two (2) months. Dawn, Lisa and Shirley will work on a letter inviting participation. Dawn will follow-up with call to each invitee. Draft letter will be forwarded to the board for input/review.
    7. The EAC should be introduced/recognized at the fall conference.
  3. Summer Conference
    1. The summer conference is scheduled for June 20 (approximately 10 a.m. 4:00 p.m.) in Grants Pass at Rogue Community College.
    2. The topic from last meeting was Thriving, Striving and Coping with Change. Swafford noted she had a commitment from Linda Willis, Ph.D. to speak (without charge on the importance of diet and exercise). Willis teaches a program in southern Oregon called, The Balanced Weigh, but she would not be a key speaker. The board said this workshop would probably not be broken up with afternoon sessions one key speaker would be all that is needed.
    3. Other possibilities that Swafford was entertaining are Sarah Fiske, Ph.D. and Larry Holmes, Ph.D. Managing at the Speed of Change. Sarah may not be available and Larry is too expensive.
    4. Swafford suggested the option be made available for participants to go on a jet-boat dinner cruise on the evening of the workshop. She will also book some rooms at the Riverside Inn at the corporate rate of between $55 and $65 (tbd).
    5. Since a keynote speaker had not yet been identified, the board discussed ideas for speakers and possibly changing the topic/title:
      1. Mark and Rosemary (re Non-stop Change) - (if necessary, Julie could follow-up).
      2. Terry Hude Resiliency to Change - (if necessary, Lisa could follow-up)
      3. Leslie Bunker (humor in the workplace (if necessary, Lisa could follow-up)
      4. The Balanced Weigh sounded interesting to some and perhaps that could somehow be incorporated into the program anyway
      5. Marilyn Hart-Reed (Affirmation)
    6. Julie will work with Swafford on securing a speaker once Sarah Fiske replies regarding her availability. Julie will also help with post cards, flyers and marketing of the event. RCC, UCC, KCC and SOU should be main targets for this.
    7. Swafford was reminded that RCC can register participants for FTE for RCC
    8. Note: After the Conference Julie, Swafford, and Lisa talked about asking Ellen Levine to be the keynote speaker. (Swafford will follow-up).
  4. Membership and Recognition/Survey
    1. Chris German reported after being acknowledged for her good work in organizing the membership database and renewal letter.
    2. Recognition/Survey: Of those surveyed (number unknown) regarding their AAWCC membership certificate 14% - recycled it; 11% - displayed it; 37% - filed it; 38% - have it somewhere but not sure where.
    3. A discussion followed regarding cost effectiveness of certificates. There was consensus that some form of membership recognition is appropriate. Other ideas included:
      1. Wallet card
      2. Lapel pins (popular, but expensive)
      3. Post card sized certificates (four (4) per page) could be laser cut by a vendor such as Kinkos pretty inexpensively
      4. Certificates could be print in different colors each year
      5. Current, more expensive certificate could be replaced with a custom/home designed certificate (less expensive)
    4. Chris will research cost and availability of different forms/designs for certificates. If pins were ordered in bulk through national, they would be more affordable. It was noted the expense is in design set-up. Pins could also be sold. Ann will research cost and availability of membership pins.
    5. It was suggested that a question be added to registration forms asking participants whether or not they would like a membership certificate; however, 99% of registrants would likely indicate they want a certificate.
    6. Everyone was asked to check their inventory of t-shirts, cups, pins and other items. Shirley will follow-up, including contacting Miriam for report regarding total inventory and what may need to be ordered for the conference.
    7. Membership: Chris 221 members currently -- last year there were 273. 125 letters were mailed to those with expiring memberships and 14 renewal replies have been received to date. Membership application forms are on line.
    8. Consider asking participants at summer workshop and fall conference about whether or not it is o.k. to list their names on the AAWCC Website on-line membership list/directory.
    9. Chris also distributed and discussed a draft recruitment brochure and requested feedback by no later than March 1.
    10. After a quick review of the brochure, the following suggestions were offered:
      1. Add information regarding the connection with national (Lisa will provide Chris with this) indicating Oregon is a chapter of national association.
      2. Add information about networking and mentoring opportunities.
      3. Colleges and agencies should be colleges, agencies and associations
      4. No need to list all positions on the board just state that there are nine (9) board member positions (this will free up space for other information)
      5. Revise the introductory sentence to read: . . . who supports the mission: To inspire, champion and celebrate the talents within each of us.
    11. Someone asked about institutional membership and Shirley indicated the timing may not be right for this but the board should consider it periodically in the future.
  5. Newsletter (Electronic Format, Survey Results)
    1. Abby Lee reported. Survey results indicate that 83% of respondents prefer the on-line newsletter. The board agreed that the newsletter should be sent electronically with a limited number of print copies (half the usual amount).
    2. Abby suggested by down-sizing the newsletter from 16 pages to approximately 4, it might be possible to provide a more frequent newsletter that is less time consuming and less expensive. Marketing and showcase articles would need to be measured against news. She suggested setting the communication up in categories on the Web for quick reference to articles of interest.
  6. Fall Conference
    1. The fall conference is scheduled November 11-13, 2003 at Greenwood. Swafford will e-mail dates to presidents and presidents assistants ASAP.
    2. Everyone agreed the board should go forward with the conference despite the current budget climate, perhaps with less extravagance and more marketing.
    3. Diane and Denise M. will reconcile last conference. Lisa and Denise M. will visit with the hotel representative to discuss possible discrepancies with the budget for the last conference.
    4. All agreed conference theme should be upbeat a celebration about becoming stronger and better and empowered despite changes due to budget constraints.
    5. Note: Remember to honor retirees at the conference.

Brainstorm (Conference Themes):

Music: Bring back Chica-Marimba (other ideas). Note: There were some complaints about the music being too loud for conversation at the last conference. It was suggested that breakfast be scheduled early (say 7:30-8:15 a.m. and the band could begin playing at around 8:15 a.m.

Silent Auction/Gift Baskets:

Free-time Activity: Jan, Abby and Denise M. will work on planned dinner and/or other activity for participants during free time evening such as:

Other committees (Diane will serve as chair for each committee in her role as VP, Fall Conference):

  1. Registration Diane and Ann Smart (consider electronic reg.)
    1. Registration Forms Chris and Julie
  2. Keynote/Programs Lisa T. and Diane W.
  3. Publicity Chris and Abby
  4. Volunteers/Awards President Elect (Lisa T.)
  5. Evaluations - Julie (consider question for evaluation about how learned of event.

Reminder: A formal letter invitation will need to be prepared and mailed.

VII. Review By-Laws

Dawn distributed copies of the current by-laws for review and discussion at the next board meeting in May.

VIII. Archives

Jan Woodcock reported. Her position as board archivist is new. She is taking a lead on transferring all documents and files, including photographs to CDs. Eventually photographs can be used to do a slide show at OILD, which could replace the posters discussed earlier. Jan is working with Abby and Angela to make sure relevant information is on the Website, including minutes of meetings.

Ann Smart indicated since the AAWCC is a non-profit agents all of its minutes must be retained permanently.

IX. Budget Deadlines

Denise Martin distributed a discussed the current budget:

OILD scholarship will remain separate line item from regular scholarships.

Transfer $1500 from general fund to scholarship

Grants good best practice/one per term approximately $550. Some funds available from national for grants also.

Greenwood has not paid board $10/room as agreed and rates were raised. Board will look at another bookstore for the conference current vendor has decided it will no longer be able to pay AAWCC percentage of sales.

A formal report will be discussed at the May 16 board meeting. Budgets need to be submitted by no later than May 1.

X. Calendar/Follow-up Items/Other

Calendar - The next meeting of the board is scheduled for May 16, 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. at Linn-Benton Community College.

Other calendar items:

June 18 Leaders Reception at Silver Falls (OILD) (4:00 p.m.)

June 20 Summer Workshop in Grants Pass (10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.)

September 12 Board meeting at Greenwood (Portland/Beaverton) (10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.)

November 11, 12, 13, 2003 Fall Conference (Greenwood/Portland)

November 12 Board meeting (Greenwood/Portland) (11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.)

Follow-up Items:

1. Revise by-laws to include immediate past presidents responsibility to serve as board liaison to OILD.
2. Angela will be invited to serve as understudy this year.
3. Dawn will help Miriam get invitations to prior state AAWCC board members.

Advisory Council/Membership/Responsibilities
1. Dawn, Lisa, Shirley will work on draft letter to recruit EAC members and follow-up with call to each. Draft will be forwarded to board for review.

Summer Conference
1. Julie will work with Swafford on securing speaker/advertising the event.

1. Chris will research different designs/sizes for membership certificates.
2. Ann Smart will research cost and availability of membership pins.
3. Feed back on recruitment brochure due to Chris by no later than March 1.
4. Lisa will provide Chris with info on national for brochure.

Newsletter, Electronic Format, Survey Results
1. Abby will cut Spring newsletter mailing by half and send it electronically working with Jan and Angela on appropriate categories on current site.
2. Dawn will forward info to Abby (for newsletter) on grant from national.
3. Swafford will serve as RCCs new campus contact until further notice and provide news info to Abby by February 21 for spring newsletter.

Fall Conference
1. Diane and Denise M. will reconcile last conference. Lisa and Denise M. will visit with hotel to discuss possible discrepancies with the last budget.
2. See Committee work under VI. Fall Conference (above).
3. Swafford will e-mail dates to presidents and assistants ASAP.
4. Shirley will follow-up and report regarding total inventory of saleable items and what may need to be ordered for fall conference.

1. Budgets due to Denise Martin by no later than May 1, 2003.

1. Cost for retreat is approximately $46/person. Denise M. will bill each board member accordingly.
2. Anne Smart is compiling list of NILD participants. Forward names of participants to her, if known for each campus.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 5:30 p.m.
