Dawn DeWolf commenced the meeting at approximately 9:00 a.m. at Chemeketa Community College, Building 3, Room 118.
Attendance: Dawn DeWolf, President, Shirley Anderson, Past-President, Lisa Tomlin, President-Elect, Denise Martin, VP Finance, Chris German, VP Membership, Diane Watson, VP Professional Development, Julie Huckestein, VP Summer Conference, Denise Swafford, Board Member-at-Large/Secretary, Ann Smart, Board Member-at-Large/Conference Registration; Abby Lee, VP Communications, and Angela McMahon, Ex-Officio participated. Jan Woodcock, Board Member-at-Large/Archivist was absent.
1. Sharing - Informal discussion/check-in and reviewed agenda.
2. Minutes Dawn called for a motion to approve the May 16, 2003 Board meeting minutes. A few revisions (typographical errors on pgs. 3, 4 and 5) were suggested.
Lisa Tomlin moved, seconded by Shirley Anderson that the AAWCC Board approve the May 16, 2003 Board meeting minutes, as amended. The motion was carried 10 to 0.
3. Treasurers Report - Denise Martin distributed and discussed Financial State-ments dated June 30, 2003, the Adopted Budget as of June 30, 2003 and Scholarships 2003. She indicated that no changes had been made to the Fall Conference figures. One scholarship was granted for OILD and OILD earned approximately $700-800 this year. The summer conference earned approximately $870, including $100, which was paid to each presenter.
Denise said the Boards money market account is only earning $1.55 interest per month. She will look into minimum required and options for handling the account.
Shirley Anderson moved, seconded by Ann Smart that the AAWCC Board approve the expense report as presented. The motion was carried 10 to 0.
4. OILD (Review and Planning) - Shirley Anderson distributed and discussed a copy of the 2003 OILD Evaluation Survey and a document titled, OILD Transition Plan, representative of recommendations of the OILD steering committee (Lisa Tomlin, Miriam Jordan, Angela McMahon, Jan Woodcock, and Shirley, the Committee).
The majority of participants (19) rated the conference excellent or good in all areas from welcome to presenters to meals. There were no poor ratings by any of the participants and only 1 rated the activities as fair.
The Committee discussed key elements of OILD (see handout, page 1) and recommended that planning begin each fall for the June Institute. They further recommended that a 5-person steering committee facilitated by the past president and one participant from the immediate past OILD participate. The next OILD is scheduled June 14-17, 2004. The June 2005 conference has not yet been determined.
The Committee also recommended that planners be assigned to three areas: 1) logistics, 2) group process, and 3) influentials (2 planners for each area).
The Committee plans to develop a mission statement, and they generated a brainstorm list of ideas for improving the Institute (see handout, page 2).
The importance of continuing OILD was stressed as a matter of great importance to the Board. Lisa Tomlin added that ideal participation would include 5 groups of 5 for future conferences. Shirley suggested researching grants that would support the work. Other ideas include budgeting of more scholarships or building more into reserves for better marketing of the conference. Marketing should begin at the annual fall conference (perhaps schedule a meeting with campus contacts over breakfast at the conference). Also, need to keep presidents assistants in the loop, since they are generally the frontline on recruiting participants.
President and/or other Board members could begin to schedule meetings to meet with the new community college presidents to boast the program and suggest OILD as a professional growth opportunity.Angela McMahon recommended that the Board draft a plan for communicating the value and effectiveness of OILD, and Denise Swafford will ask Rick Levine to touch on it at the upcoming presidents retreat in August.
Lisa Tomlin moved, seconded by Chris German that Angela McMahon draft a communication plan for marketing OILD for discussion at the next AAWCC Board meeting. The motion was carried 10 to 0.
Chris German moved, seconded by Denise Martin that the AAWCC Board remain committed to supporting OILD as a key activity of the Board, even at the cost of a potential loss in revenue to the Board. The motion was carried 10 to 0.
Shirley Anderson moved, seconded by Ann Smart that the AAWCC Board approve the structure proposed by the Committee in planning the next OILD, including a development of a draft mission statement for further discussion by the AAWCC Board at a subsequent meeting. The motion was carried 10 to 0.
Shirley Anderson further moved, seconded by Ann Smart that the AAWCC Board reserve the Silver Falls facility for future OILD conferences with a deposit through 2005. The motion was carried 10 to 0.
Shirley Anderson moved, seconded by Chris German, that the AAWCC Board compensate Lisa Tomlin for her work on the OILD conference 2003 in the amount of $400.00. The motion was carried 9 to 0. (Lisa abstained from the vote).5. Bylaws
Shirley Anderson reviewed proposed bylaw changes. A summary of the changes will be posted in the fall newsletter and on the AAWCC website. A vote to approve the changes will take place at the fall conference.
6. Executive Council Nominations
Dawn DeWolf prepared an invitation letter for potential AAWCC Executive Council members. It was suggested that she revise the letter to communicate it is not the intention of the Board to involve these individuals time as much as their influence in serving on this Council. Potential nominees were discussed. Other suggestions for nominees should be e-mailed directly to Dawn.
7. Board Member Nominations
* President - Lisa TomlinNominations should be E-mailed to Lisa Tomlin: lisatomlin@att.net; preferably by mid-August for posting in the fall newsletter.
8. Summer Conference UpdateJulie reported that 33 registered and 31 participated in the summer conference at RCC on June 20. The online registration form worked great.
The RCC presidents office donated afternoon snacks, file folders and a raffle prize (a book titled, Managing Transitions referenced in the presentation materials).
Lane Community College was suggested as a good location for next summers conference -- possibly their conference center at the coast. It was also suggested that the Board consider a July conference date instead of June next year.
9. Fall Conference Update
Diane distributed and discussed two handouts: 1) 2003 AAWCC ConferenceCommittee: Some volunteers were added. Ann Smart and Denise Martin will work on packets, registration and name badges with help from other staff at Linn-Benton. Dawn DeWolf and Lisa Tomlin will organize walks, yoga and meditation activities, as well as coordinate awards/elections. Denise Martin and Lisa Tomlin will work on scholarships. Angela McMahon volunteered to look into options for bookstore items. Shirley Anderson will look into photographs. And, Diane Watson is ordering food.
Presenters: A workshop was suggested on appreciative inquiry, if possible. Angela McMahon will head a quilt-making workshop and Lisa Tomlin will head a yoga workshop.
Diane said the Marimba band will be returning and the presidents lunch is scheduled on Thursday, November 13.10. Newsletter (timelines for fall publication)
Will be distributed to members electronically on September 15. Deadline for submissions are due to Abby by no later than August 10 as follows: Presidents Message Dawn Conference Information DianeHard copies of the newsletter will be provided to College presidents, chapter presidents, board members, and campus contacts. There was some discussion about the cost savings vs. the marketing risk by going electronic. Some felt the newsletter was important to attendance at the fall conference.
Post cards announcing the conference and deadline for reduced registration fee will be mailed at the end of September or first part of October.
Some Board members felt the membership deserved a hard copy of the newsletter in return for the cost of their membership.
11. Other Items
A. NILD Ann Smart distributed a handout regarding NILD participants, as requested, and asked for help in refining the list.
B. Membership Pins Ann ordered pins in purple and gold, which should arrive next week. The cost is slightly more than discussed at the May meeting (larger pins were required to contain the required information). She discussed it with as many board members as possible before ordering.
C. Membership Brochures Chris announced there were currently 253 paid members and a final draft of the membership brochures introduced at the summer retreat was reviewed and discussed and approved for distribution. Chris will provide approximately 40 color copies to Denise Swafford for Rick Levine to share with the college presidents at their August retreat. She will also e-mail an electronic copy of the brochure to Board members for copying and distribution as needed.
D. Next Meeting - September 12, 2003, 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m., at Greenwood Inn, Portland. The Race for the Cure is scheduled, Sunday, September 14 in Portland.
Another meeting is scheduled November 12, 2003, 11:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. at the Greenwood, Portland.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at approximately 2:05 p.m.