Members Present: Angela McMahon, Lorna O’Guinn,
Ann Smart, Shirley Anderson, Diane Watson, Kristen Jones, Dawn
DeWolf, Denise Martin, Julie Huckestein, Chris German, Jan Woodcock,
Mary Louise Doran, Margaret Bradford.
Members Absent: Denise Swafford, Simone Hughes
Julie Huckestein began the meeting at noon with an informal time for new board
members to meet with board members who are leaving their positions to share
information about duties and responsibilities.
Julie convened the meeting at 1:25 PM. The minutes were presented
from the November 12, 2003 board meeting. Ann Smart moved and Shirley
Anderson seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented. The
motion passed. The minutes from November 14th were discussed. It was
agreed this was not a formal board meeting, only conference debrief notes.
The board is requesting the note indicating who was present and absent
is removed.
Ann suggested the board let nominees to board positions be notified prior to
the conference that there will be a short meeting following the conference
so they can plan their travel accordingly.
Julie presented the results from the evaluations of the conference that
she had compiled.
She is suggesting that each breakout session at the conference be evaluated
following the presentation. The board discussed many options. Angela will work
on some ideas and bring them back to the board. Julie had also research the
communication breakdown with the President’s council regarding breakfast
and lunch at the conference. It was agreed that an early communication with
the President’s Council Chair, OCCA, and someone from the board about
costs would occur prior to this year’s conference.
Treasurer’s Report: Denise submitted the treasurer’s
report. There were 5 no-shows to the conference this year. The board
discussed the current procedure used to confirm registration and it’s
use as an invoice for the conference. The board discussed improved procedures.
Denise recommended the effort to collect the no-shows be dropped and
for the next conference improved language on the registration confirmation
be implemented.
Angela moved that attempts to collect the $650.00
from outstanding registrations be discontinued. Denise seconded.
Motion carried.
There was more discussion regarding refunding registrations for those that
paid and didn’t attend and didn’t cancel within the stated time.
Dawn moved and Jan seconded the motion to not refund the requested registration.
Julie passed out by copies of the approved bylaws. Denise Swafford will
be asked to make the changes in the document, to send out new copies and to
send a copy to be posted on the website.
Angela discussed the location for next year’s conference. The
committee had two recommended sites. Jan made a motion to use the Sheraton,
Dawn seconded.
The motion carried. Next year’s conference
will be held at the Sheraton. Angela encouraged board members
to go look at it. It was suggested that other hotels and rates
be made known to conference attendees. The fall conference will
be held November 17-19, 2004.
The board discussed strategies to increase the number of women of color attending
the conference. Angela will follow up with ideas.
Jan and Angle reviewed the plan for OILD. It will be held June 14-June 17.
The leaders reception will be June 15th. Mary Spilde will send out the letters
to colleges. Ways to inform new presidents about OILD were discussed. Julie
will follow up with some of the ideas with President’s Council.
Summer Conference
The board discussed ideas for the location and possible presenters for summer
conference. The board recommended possibly holding it in Eugene or on the coast.
The date of the conference is July 22. Kristen will contact the Lane AAWCC
Leadership to see if they are interested in helping with planning the conference.
Chris reported there are currently 209 members. The group commended Chris for
her work with informing members when their membership had expired and collecting
new memberships.
Julie and Angela reported that a job description had been developed and an
application process had been sent out to campuses. It will be important to
fill this position as soon as possible so Angela can focus on OILD and the
fall conference.
Meeting adjourned at 4:30PM
Next meeting is 3/12 from 10:30-4:00 at Lane Community College