Attendance: Margaret Bradford, Dawn DeWolf, Mary Louise Doran, Cheryl Goyer, Julie Huckestein, Simone Hughes, Kristen Jones, Denise Martin, Angela McMahon, Lorna O’Guinn, Nan Poppe, Denise Swafford and Jan Woodcock
1. Debrief - Board members briefly reviewed conference evaluations and discussed successes and improvables. It was decided to plan next year’s conference for one more year at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel.
Overall conference evaluations were very positive. Food was not great but hotel staff was excellent. No major problems except for late start on lunch with presidents.
It was suggested that next year’s evening reception be a murder mystery party. And it was also suggested that future receptions be planned and hosted by individual local AAWCC chapters in coordination with the Conference VP.
2. Next meeting – A meeting was scheduled for January 28, 2005 at Lane Community College, 10:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m.
The Board will set future meetings at the January meeting probably one in March, May, July (at OILD) and September.