AAWCC Board Meeting Minutes – July 1, 2005
Driftwood Shores Conference Center
Florence, Oregon
Present: Denise Swafford, Jan Woodcock, Janet Lodge, Julie Huckestein,
Lorna O’Guinn, Simone Hughes, Cheryl Goyer, Kristen Jones, Dawn DeWolf,
Angela McMahon
Absent: Margaret Bradford, Mary Louise Doran
- Approval of Minutes from April 22, 2005 – Cheryl moved, Jan second
- 2005
Proposed Budget – Janet passed out proposed budget for 2005. She
changed the way scholarships are documented in the budget by indicating
revenue from each event budget so there is enough income to prevent
showing a negative. Fall Conference Scholarship revenue budget needs
to be increased from $900 to $990. Lorna moved, Dawn second. Budget
for 2005 approved.
- Treasurer’s Report – Balance of the checking account
is $13,657. Dawn moved, Cheryl second. Report approved. Janet raised
the question about why our budget follows a calendar year, instead
of a fiscal year. After a discussion about pros and cons, it was
decided it makes sense to make the change. Jan moved, Denise second.
Motion approved - financial reporting will now be July 1 to June
30, beginning 2005.
- Summer Retreat Update – Very successful, close to 80 participants.
Only one no-show, very positive feedback from participants about
the presenter and location. It was suggested that we look for a
new venue on the coast next year. There were problems with equipment
not working, lack of attention to water, coffee, set-up and temperature
of the room.
- Membership – Simone reported there are162 active members
and 120 expired members.
After a discussion about whether people should have to pay a membership
fee as part of their registration fee if their membership is current,
a motion was made by Dawn to change the by-laws to indicate we will no
longer charge for memberships. If the by-laws are approved at the Fall
conference, people will become a member by attending an event or by submitting
a membership application. The length of the membership will remain the
same – a minimum of 12 months and will terminate at the end of the calendar
year in which the member has had 12 full months of membership. Angela
second. Motion approved. Once by-laws are approved this will take effect
January 1, 2006.
- OILD Report – Will occur July 25-28 at Silver Falls. Jan Woodcock
will be presenting on personal power, Carol Schaafsma will present
on workplace styles and reframing, Cam Pres-Prauly and Julie Suchanek
will be providing a legislative update, Judith Hanson, new President
at SWOCC, will talk about her leadership path and will spend the
night, and Kate Dins will also be a presenter. Packets have been
sent to participants including an encouragement to issue a press
release about being selected to attend.
- Fall Conference Update – Angela
passed out list of workshop proposals. Board members suggested additional
topics such as Appreciative Inquiry, Reframing and Leading when you’re
not in charge. Ann Baumgardt is doing a great job of coordinating
the Program Committee. Murder Mystery tickets will be sold for $35.
Julie suggested the cost for just the dinner be indicated on the
registration from in case colleges will pay for the dinner but not
the entertainment. Some feedback indicates there is some discomfort
with some of the titles the bookstore sells at the conference. Angela
will have a conversation with the bookstore staff about the feedback
to make them aware of the concerns.
- Julie made a motion to donate
$100 to Tillamook Bay Mediation Services in memory of Artis VanRassel
in recognition of her contributions to AAWCC and her time on the
Board. Denise second. Approved. Board also decided to dedicate
the Fall Conference to Artis.
- Newsletter Update – Board asks Margaret
to send a list of items needed for the Fall newsletter and a timeline
for these items.
- Policy of notifying members of non-AAWCC events –
Board decided it would be too complicated to determine what was appropriate
to post and agreed to not allow this.
- Conference refund policy – it
was determined the current policy is working well. Lorna and Angela
will make a strong effort to communicate with people when they register
but do not pay by sending an invoice.
- Archiving Plan – tabled to next
- Fall Conference Planning Responsibilities – As an alternative
to the proposal made at the April 22 Board meeting for making the
At Large Conference Registration be a three-year term, the suggestion
was made that a two-year position be added to the Board called VP
Conference Elect. The person in this position would work on logistics
the first year and move to VP Conference the second year. This conversation
was tabled until the next meeting.
- Next meeting is scheduled tentatively
for September 30 at Lane. Julie will check with other Board members
and confirm via email. Agenda items include Archiving Plan, Fall
Conference Planning Responsibilities and By-law