AAWCC Board Meeting Notes 

Pre-Conference Meeting
Nov. 16, 2005

Present:  Simone Hughes, Jan Woodcock, Julie Huckestein, Margaret Bradford, Janet Lodge, Lorna O’Guinn, Denise Swafford, Angela McMahon, and Kristen Jones

  1. Conference Review – Angela distributed timeline for conference with notes about who does what when.
  2. Mugs – Margaret purchased 35travel mugs with AAWCC logo on them.  Several of them will be given as thank-you gifts to keynote presenters and people who play a key role in the conference.  We will sell the rest at the conference.  If they sell well, we will purchase more for future conferences.
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Balance as of Oct. 1, 2005 is $44,879.46.  There was some discussion about a process for awarding scholarships and how we use scholarships as a recruitment tool for the conference.  It was decided we would put this topic on the January meeting agenda.

Post-Conference Meeting
Nov. 18, 2005

Present: Simone Hughes, Jan Woodcock, Julie Huckestein, Margaret Bradford, Janet Lodge, Angela McMahon, Shannon McGaha, Lorna O’Guinn, Dawn DeWolf, Ann Baumgardt, Jackie Bryson, and Kristen Jones

The following suggestions were made

  1. Post presenters’ notes and handouts on the website.  Ann will contact presenters from this year.
  2. Note hotel checkout time in conference program
  3. Publicize silent auction more so we get more donations
  4. Space out the door prize drawings throughout the conference instead of doing it all at the end
  5. Expedite closing of silent auction by announcing where and when to pay and pick up items
  6. Review how we issue membership certificates.  Add topic to January meeting agenda.
  7. AV person needs more support, it is too much work for one person.  Angela volunteered to assist Shally with next year’s conference.
  8. Find someone to serve as a Volunteer Coordinator and assign volunteers to specific jobs

