Present: Jan Woodcock, Janet Lodge, Julie Huckestein, Carol Schaafsma, Kristen Jones, Margaret Bradford, Shannan McGaha, Ann Baumgardt, Jackie Bryson
Minutes - Shannan moved, Janet seconded to approve minutes from the August 21, 2006 Board meeting as written
Financial Report – Janet Lodge
Money Market balance: $17,575.73
Checking balance: $13, 538.53
Update on registration - Ann Baumgardt
Several announcements have already gone out; additional promotional
announcements will go out every other week
37 people have registered so far, 6 paid
Items needed for registration packets – List from Angela, 9-29-06
Items for Highlight Sheet (Shannan)
Items for “Save the Date” Sheet (Shannan)
Suggestion - NILD has statement on their registration page asking people to agree to their refund policy. Julie will email the statement to Ann who will determine if we want to add it for this year, or wait until next year.
Person has requested that she be able to attend just Donna Beegle’s session free; she can’t afford to attend the whole conference. Board agreed Ann should tell person that we have to pay the speaker, suggest that she apply for a scholarship or volunteer at the registration counter for two hours in exchange for being able to attend Donna’s talk for free
To Do List Update – Angela via Carol
Shannan will be volunteer coordinator
Keynote introducers:
Donna – Angela will ask Nan Poppe
Tana – Kristen
Gensis – Victoria Flagg or other Mt. Hood rep – Jackie will find someone
Contact with OCCA re. President’s meeting – Julie will find out if Denise has contacted, if not Julie will make contact to verify that food has been ordered, etc.
Tote bags – Jan will order, will have AAWCC logo on one side, blank on the other, will order 200, and will sell for about $15
Margaret needs information about Genesis for newsletter, as well as blurb on Jacquee
Suggestion was made to provide packets to those arrive on Wednesday evening at the Welcome Reception – Jackie and Kristen offered to hand them out. Early arrivals can officially register and pick up nametags the next morning. Margaret will add this information to newsletter conference at a glance
Breakout sessions – Walking session each day were added, Angela needs to talk with Becky as some sessions were added that are not on Angela’s list. Jan wants to see the information before it goes to press.
Will break even with 150 attendees
Conference Program
Margaret needs all information for program by Oct. 30.
Policy on selling stuff:
Chapters can sell stuff to fundraise for chapters. There will be as
special table in lobby for this; each Chapter responsible for monitoring,
selling their own stuff. Carol will invite chapters to do so and we’ll
add this information to the newsletter.
Presenters (breakout or keynote) can sell their materials related to their presentations (books, CDs) but no other goods.
Members who aren’t presenting can’t sell.
Social - Julie
It was decided that the social activities would be scheduled from 7-10--with
music, games etc. in one room and Bunco starting at 8:00 in the adjacent
room. Julie, Margaret, Shannan and Denise will finish planning the
Membership – Shannan
Will need to buy more certificates
Will attach certificates to nametags for conference attendees
Mildred has agreed to sign certificates at the conference – 2 times
before lunch and at OILD/NILD reception – Jan will communicate with Mildred,
Carol will communicate with Angela
Archiving – Jackie
Julie has Race for the Cure pictures and will take pictures at OILD
this year
Siv Serene, Shannan, Margaret, and Jackie will take pictures at the
Fall Conference
Jackie will bring OILD posters, at the OILD/NILD reception will ask
someone who attended OILD in 2003 to do the poster for that year
Awards – Carol
Blue Mountain has selected their excellence award recipient
No Carol DesJardins nominees yet
Nominations – Carol
VP Summer Conference – Susan Wolff, Julie Kremers
Secretary – Joyce Coleman
VP Finance – Shari Maas
VP Fall Conference – possibly Ann
Webmaster (appointed position) – possibly Ann
Under pres-Jan and past-president Julie:
Past-President – Julie
Julie gave Angela and Ann the list of Washington College National members
she received from Dawn DeWolff (Region X representative). Ann sent the
conference e-mail to everyone on that list and also sent the e-mail to
the national president. Julie has asked Dawn to get National supplies
for the conference.
Jan reported that we had difficulty scheduling OILD this year. The
only dates Silver Falls had available were July 3-6th. The group discussed
the impact the holiday may have on attendees this year. It was decided
we would go ahead and hold OILD as scheduled and hope that we would get
at least 15 participants. It was also suggested something special be
scheduled on July 4th for participants.
Next meeting on November 15th at the Sheraton.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.