AAWCC Board Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2006

Present:  Denise Swafford, Jan Woodcock, Janet Lodge, Julie Huckestein, Carol Schaafsma, Cheryl Goyer, Kristen Jones, Margaret Bradford, Shannan McGaha, Ann Baumgardt, Jackie Bryson

Absent: Lorna O’Guinn

Approval of minutes – Denise moved, Margaret second, minutes approved as corrected. (Shannan’s name misspelled; Cherie Maas, not Sherri Moss; Siv, not Sieve)

Treasurer’s Report – (Janet) as of March 1, 2006 checking account balance is $12,732 and money market balance is $17,569 for a total of $30,302. Denise move, Cheryl second, financial report approved.

Membership Report – (Shannan)
Shannan will be mailing 260 certificates for lifetime members next week along with a flyer regarding the summer brochure.  She is working on updating the group email list, if you want something mailed out to members, send it to Shannan.  Julie suggested that Board members take revised membership forms to          our campuses to spread the word about new lifetime memberships

Suggestion was made to include links to National AAWCC and NILD on our website and also include information about NILD and OILD in our newsletter.       Julie will get a list of NILD attendees from this year and will invite them to write a blurb for the newsletter.  She will also work in updating the list of NILD attendees from Oregon

Communications – (Margaret)
Margaret appreciates when we send her stories written as we want them           published, instead of raw information – that makes her job easier.  Cheryl brought her camera to the meeting today so she can take pictures of Board members for future use.  Margaret is currently archiving copies of the newsletters in low resolution PDF so they take less space but are still printable.

Web – (Cheryl)
Cheryl will contact Hevanet to determine how much additional web space, beyond the 30mb we currently have, will cost.

Archiving – (Jackie)
It is possible to buy online storage space outside our website for archiving purposes.  Paper documents can be scanned in and then paper does not need to be retained.  Cheryl will research companies where we could store documents and determine cost.  Julie suggested that we use time at the retreat to go through the             boxes of old information and determine what to keep.

Jackie is working on redesigning OILD posters so they are consistent and stable.           She is purchasing black poster board that fold to protect pictures; she will bring a sample to the retreat. Siv Serene and Victoria Flagg agreed to make the poster from 2005.  Suggestion was made to purchase portfolio to store and carry the posters in; Jackie will do this with the $500 that was allocated to the project at the last meeting.  We don’t have a poster from 2003.

President-Elect (Carol) –
Information about awards was included in newsletters.  Carol will be writing email to campus contacts with information about awards and summer conference and will encourage them to send us information about what is going on at their campuses for the Fall newsletter.

President (Jan) –
Susan Wolff contacted Jan to express interest in being on the Board and presenting at OILD.  Melinda Talley from Clark College called Jan to ask if they could attend OILD, she indicated space didn’t allow this but that we would be happy to help them develop their own institute. 

Past President (Julie)
Dawn DeWolf has been elected as the new Region 10 Rep.

Jan, Julie, Janet and Dawn DeWolf will be attending the AACC conference in Long Beach to receive award for our model program.  They will be bringing information about OILD to showcase our program.   Julie suggested Denise contact Ellen Levine, former OILD Director, to let her know the program is receiving an award. Suggestion was made to include information used to apply for the award (ie. letter from women presidents, history of OILD, etc.) on the website. Julie suggested that an individual campus might want to apply for the award next year. 

Race for the Cure – September 17, 2006.  Julie is going to register participants as a group. Margaret will save a spot in the Fall newsletter to include a photo from Race for the Cure.

OILD – (Denise)
Nominees due April 21.  Some colleges have asked for more than one spot.  Suggestion was made to revisit policy about this at the May retreat.  For this year, colleges should send name of attendee and an alternate and if there is space, the alternate may be able to attend. Some of the smaller schools (Tillamook, Blue Mountain, Klamath, and Clatsop) have not sent attendees the past few years.  Board had a discussion around how to encourage them to participate, decided to offer scholarships to Clatsop and Central if they don’t send in names; Blue Mountain as an alternate.

Summer Conference – (Denise)
Vicki Willis will be presenting on July 13 at SWOCC, “Leading when you are not in charge”.  Denise is meeting with Vicky Willis on the 24th  and will send out more information shortly after.  SWOCC very excited about hosting conference. Dorms are new and quite inexpensive.  Denise will send out list of hotels for people who don’t want to stay in dorms.

May Retreat
Janet and Carol are going over early and have offered to go food shopping for meals and snacks. Carol will come up with a tentative menu and send it out to us for feedback. We will sign up for teams for each meal.  Retreat will start Friday evening (dinner at 6:30) on Friday evening and end at 12:00 Sunday.  We don’t have access to the house until 4:00pm Friday. 

Fall Conference – (Ann)
Scheduled for Nov. 16 and 17.  Becky Washington at PCC has agreed to coordinate program.  Ann has written up guidelines for Program Committee that she will pass on the Becky.  Theme - “20 Years of Attitude: Learning from our Past, Looking to our Future”.


May Retreat Agenda
OILD participant policy
Go through archives to determine what to keep
Scholarship guidelines
Fall Conference


