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President's Corner

By Shirley Anderson

The fall season is rapidly approaching. What does this mean to you? Do you envision foliage turning brilliant colors and weather changing from warm sun filled days to cooler temperatures? If you answered yes, I share your vision. However, my vision also includes anticipation, excitement, and energy. There are a variety of reasons for this.

First, our campuses will come alive with new, continuing, and returning students. Whether these students goals include credit or non-credit courses, their excitement permeates the campus. This energizes me, and it consistently reminds me of the importance of the colleges to each community.

Second, there is anticipation and excitement on seven of the campuses as they welcome new Presidents. On behalf of the Oregon Chapter of AAWCC, I extend congratulations and a warm welcome to each. Please make the opportunity to personalize this welcome to: Dr. Gretchen Schutte (Chemeketa), Dr. Joe Johnson (Clackamas), Dr. Frank Toda (Columbia Gorge), Dr. Mary Spilde (Lane), Dr. Robert Silverman (Mt. Hood), Dr. Jesus "Jess" Carreon (Portland), and Dr. Gail Pincus (interim, Tillamook Bay). They will join a group of Presidents who have been extremely supportive of AAWCC.

Another activity that creates anticipation and excitement for me is the annual Oregon AAWCC conference. On November 15th and 16th, the Beaverton Greenwood Inn will be the site for this event. The theme, Oregon Women Shine, reflects my experience.

Throughout my career I have been awestruck by the courageous, committed, talented, independent, and interdependent women in the State. They promote a cooperative, collaborative environment. Each year the conference participants reinforce my impression of Oregon women. Do you feel a need for inspiration and community? Then the Greenwood Inn is the place to be. Dont miss out on this awesome experience!

Chapter News

A look at great things happening across the state!

Chemeketa  Community College

By Maureen McGlynn

After a national search, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Gretchen Schuette as our colleges new president. Gretchen brings a wealth of educational and administrative experience to the position and is the first woman president in the history of the college. Gretchen most recently was the superintendent of the Gresham-Barlow school district. Prior to this, she was the dean of distance and continuing education and director of Portland Area Programs for Oregon State University, served as an interim commissioner for Oregon Community Colleges, and was executive vice president at Mt. Hood Community College. From 1988 until 1992, Gretchen was the dean of Humanities, Sciences, and Learning Assistance at Chemeketa. We will be celebrating her return with a reunion-style celebration during in-service week.

Other women in the news at the college include:

Patricia Antoine, Criminal Justice instructor, received a certificate of appreciation from the Marion County Sheriffs Office Reserves Academy for her partnership efforts. Joanne Beilke, Chair of the Chemeketa Board of Education, was appointed to the executive committee of the Oregon Community College Association. Cheryl Falk, dean of Regional Education Services, was nominated to serve as a board member on the Oregon Human Development Board. Liz Goulard, vice president of Academic Services, was elected as chair of the Council of Instructional Administrators for the upcoming year. Regalada Lombardi, administrative secretary in the College Support Services division, attended OILD, while Janine Moothart, director of the Santiam Campus, attended NILD this year. Governor Kitzhaber appointed Lydia Muiz, Foundation Board member, as the Advocate for Minority Women and Emerging Small Business. Ruth Perkins, education specialist in corrections education, published a poem in the Northwest independent poetry magazine, Fireweed. Lois Rosen, ESL instructor, had her poems published in Many Mountains Moving, Calyx, the Clackamas Literary Review, the Writers Forum, the Oregonian, the Chester V Jones National Poetry Anthology, and the International Poetry Review. Joan Scherf, Dallas Campus director, was recognized with a Quality of Life Award at the Todays Choices 4th Annual banquet for her partnership efforts in the Willamette Professional Technical Center.

Central Oregon Community College

By Bonnie Olson

Central Oregon Community College's AAWCC group sponsored a forum thanks to a grant given by Oregon AAWCC.

The Forum focused on the "Women's Lives Women's Voices" Teleconference held at the University of Minneapolis. To allow more women to attend, we planned two sessions during lunch breaks. These important and informative sessions allowed women to discuss important issues in higher Ed that are specific to women. We watched tapes of the conference and discussed topics including; diversity, family/work issues, burnout, etc.

Vickery Viles and Bonnie Olson facilitated the two sessions. The tape of the conference is now in the library for private checkout. Thanks to Oregon AAWCC for your help in sponsoring this event!

Lane Community College

By Miriam Jordan


Cheryl L. Roberts will become Lane's vice president for instruction and student services, effective August 29. Roberts earned a doctorate in educational leadership from Seattle University, an M.A. in student personnel administration from Ohio State University, and a B.A. in psychology and fine arts from Seattle University. For the past five years, she has served as associate dean of the division of health and human services at Seattle Central Community College. Her career includes five years as director of career development services at University of Washington Extension, where she also taught, and six years as associate director of the career development center at Seattle University. Roberts wrote in her letter of application, "Together we can begin a dialogue that will help us answer the question that speaks to the very core of our work: How can we promote a learning experience that engages students to be their best-intellectually, personally, ethically, professionally, and socially?"

Donna Koechig was named associate vice president for instruction and student services, effective August 28. Koechig has a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from the University of Missouri-Columbia, an M.S.W. from the University of Missouri-Columbia, and a B.S. in interdisciplinary studies (social work and psychology) from Southeast Missouri State University. She has directed counseling and human development at Lane for four years. Prior to Lane, Koechig served as an organizational development consultant specializing in change management, workforce development, and welfare reform. In addition she has 12 years of teaching experience in higher education and staff training and development.


Lane's chapter of AAWCC has announced its leaders and members for 2001/02.

Miriam A. Jordan, president, is assistant to the vice president for Instruction and Student Services. She will lead the organization this year.

Son Le Thi, vice president of communications, is an accountant in College Finance. She will inform members of upcoming events, workshops, programs, and services for women; record and file minutes of board and chapter meetings; communicate with other campus contacts in Oregon; and coordinate information sharing.

Donna Zmolek, vice president of special projects, is administrative coordinator in Social Science. She will coordinate with the membership on special events, fund-raising activities, awards, and other special projects initiated by the board.

Mary Jo Workman, vice president of professional development, is the Arts Division coordinator and will coordinate conferences, workshops and other venues for professional development for women at Lane.

Christine Strahan, vice president of finance, is international students admissions specialist in Enrollment Services, and will maintain chapter accounts, present quarterly financial statements, and collect membership dues and donations for the scholarship fund.

Members at large are Nancy Hart, manager of Disability Services; Charlene MacLean, coordinator of the Transitions to Success program; and Lynne Phillips, administrative specialist in Academic Learning Skills. These women will assist the board with various upcoming projects.


A special AAWCC Luncheon was held on July 19 that featured Jane Scheidecker, director of the Business Development Center, who shared her recent adventure to Cuba! The attendees enjoyed Musica y comida (food) Cubano while learning about a unique culture and visiting with friends.


Carol Beckley, budget analyst, retired this summer after 34 of service. Beckley, a long-time AAWCC board member and supporter, began her career as secretary to President Dale Parnell and the Board of Education. Then she joined the "Business Office" and the rest, is history. According to college finance director Verne Whittaker, "Carol is the budgetary heart and circulatory system of Lane Community College." Carol leaves the legacy of having trained hundreds of employees, students, and community members in the budget process. But the finest gifts that Carol has given to the college, says Whittaker, are "her values: integrity, kindness, caring, honesty, loyalty, trust, fairness and striving for excellence. She also brings her smile, her laugh, a sense of humor and a capacity to do a great amount of work." Beckley has been (and is expected to still be) a strong supporter of AAWCC and is always ready to get together with the "ladies." Her farewell gift included $1500 to the AAWCC Leadership Award scholarship fund, which she discreetly announced to the board over lunch. What class. Thank you, Carol, you are quite a "lady!"

Linn-Benton Community College

By Denise Martin

During spring days the LBCC Chapter of AAWCC held a silent auction to raise funds to start a Scholarship Fund to be given to an LBCC student. Lana DeMars and Cathy Edmonston did a wonderful job organizing this event, which raised $1037.00. They also kicked off another new fundraisers called "Fill a Pint for AAWCC." We are asking individuals to fill the pint jars with loose coins, which will also benefit the scholarship fund. We are in the process of setting up the guidelines for this scholarship and hope to award the first AAWCC Scholarship in the Fall of 2002.

Also last spring new officers for 2001-2002 were installed and they are:

Co-Presidents: Marilyn Hill and Faye Melius

Co-President Elects: Cathy Edmonston and Kristin Jones

Secretary: Nicolette Pastre

Treasurer: Janet Newton

Member-at-large: Karin Magnuson

Past Presidents: Lana DeMars and Ann Smart

During the summer we had two women from LBCC attend OILD, which were Kristin Jones and Denise Martin. Kristin expressed that "OILD was a wonderful experience for me, both personally and professionally. In addition to being inspired by the participants and the presenters, I examined how my personality helps and hinders my leadership ability, was challenged to set the goal of finding quiet time for myself every day, and encouraged to look at what it means to be my authentic self. I laughed a lot, bonded with the participants in ways I never thought I would and came away feeling refreshed and energized." Kristin also has been selected to attend NILD this year. Two women who attended NILD from LBCC in the mid-80's are now Oregon Community College Presidents. Congratulations Mary Spilde and Gretchen Schutte.

We had four LBCC women who attended the summer conference, "Dont Be So Defensive." They were Joanne Secrest, Wendy Major, Sheila Faulkner and Denise Martin. "Sharon Ellison did a wonderful job presenting and sharing information that I will be able to use in my everyday professional life" expressed Sheila.

Congratulations to Penny York finishing her doctorate from OSU in Community College Leadership program and Catherine Quinette is finishing her Masters in Adult Education from OSU.

We are continuing to invite various speakers to our monthly soup luncheons this year and will be looking forward to seeing all of you, who will be attending the Fall Conference in November.

Southwestern Oregon Community College

By Cheryl Scott

The Southwestern Oregon Community College chapter of AAWCC held a workshop on Saturday, May 5. The chapter received a $150.00 grant from the Oregon chapter as start-up money for this event.

The title of the workshop was Professionalism from the Inside Out.

There were approximately 35 women in attendance including several students. The keynote speaker was Dr. Sandra Cross, Director of Human Services Education from Western Washington University.

There were six break out sessions during the event which included Changing the Image in the Mirror, Financial Planning for all Ages, Cross Cultural Communication, Writing Your Mission Statement for Success, Stress Management Tools and Cross Cultural Communication.

The chapter presented an award to a woman of excellence at the college. Kristi Kohn, Curriculum Coordinator, was the first recipient of the "Mary Walker Outstanding Leadership Award" for her exceptional service at Southwestern Oregon Community College. The workshop was well received and the participants requested that the chapter continue with plans for another one in the fall. We are planning a second workshop in October. Our new performing arts center will be open and we have reserved it for Saturday, October 20.

Treasure Valley Community College

This past Spring, the new AAWCC group at TVCC held a "Tea Party" to kick-off the group and invited all the women on campus to attend. More than 40 attended and TVCC Faculty member Joyce Davis spoke to the group about the importance of mentoring each other and coming together as women. We are a small group, but we are committed to working to nurture and inspire others.


Mt. Hood AAWCC Scholarship Established as a Legacy for Shelie Macias

A memorial scholarship commemorating the life and death of a MHCC employee has reached its fund-raising goals and has been awarded to a student.

The Shelie Macias Endowed Scholarship is being awarded for the first time to pay a student's tuition and books for the 2001 -2002 school year.  This is the culmination of more than two years of fund-raising events by the MHCC chapter of the American Association of Women in Community Colleges.

Macias was a MHCC employee who was killed in an automobile accident on campus in December 1998.  She worked in the college's Developmental Education office as a coordinator of the college's tutorial program and the Mt. Hood Literacy Coalition, both of which offer assistance to individuals through English as a Second Language classes and Adult Basic Education classes and tutoring.

Designed to continue Macias' legacy, the scholarship is specified for Latino men and women who speak limited English and are working toward an associate's degree at the college.  The first recipient is Sergio Hernandez, who is being awarded the year's tuition and books.

The MHCC chapter of AAWCC held more than a dozen fund-raising events - including book sales, raffles, and plant sales - during the course of two years to raise the $20,000 required in order to establish an endowed scholarship.  In addition, the AAWCC chapter will continue adding to the endowed fund.

"When raffle tickets are two dollars each, it takes a lot of tickets to reach the goal," said MHCC's AAWCC Interim President Rebecca Kenney.  "But it's worth the hard work; it's great to see the fruits of our labor."

Carolyn Desjardins Leadership Award 

The mission of the Oregon Chapter of the American Association for Women in Community Colleges is to inspire, champion, and celebrate the talents within each of us.

The 2001 Carolyn Desjardins leadership award, chosen by the AAWCC Board of Directors, will be given to someone who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and made a significant contribution to community colleges. The recipient does not have to be an AAWCC member. Criteria for receiving the award will include demonstrated ability to inspire, champion, or celebrate women as leaders.

Dr. Carolyn Desjardins career included twenty-six years in the Maricopa Community College District where she served as Dean of Women/Associate Dean of Students, Chair of College Counseling Services, faculty member and counselor. Many of us remember her best as the Executive Director of the National Institute for Leadership Development (NILD). She was the recipient of numerous awards and honors. Her greatest award, however, was knowing that over 3000 women and many men saw their lives enriched, enabled, and changed forever through the programs, scholarships, articles, and presentations she sponsored or made, as well as through her powerful hugs, deep caring, and strong advocacy for all of us to be the very best we could be.

Dr. Constance M. Carroll, NILD Newsletter, Fall 1997

If you are interested in nominating someone for this award, please complete the nomination form and send it to Dawn DeWolf, Oregon Coast Community College, 332 SW Coast Highway, Newport, OR 97365. Dawn may be contacted by phone (541) 574-7114, fax (541) 265-3820, or e-mail ddewolf@occc.cc.or.us.

Previous winners of the Carolyn DesJardins Leadership Award are Brenda Brecke, Carolyn DesJardins, Nikki Harrington, Alice Jacobson, Marcia Keith, Rebecca Kenney, Dan Moriarity, Mary Spilde, and Stephanie Sussman.

Oregon Chapter Grants

The Oregon Chapter of AAWCC has initiated a grants program, which makes cash grants available to local chapters and womens networks. The purpose of the grant program is to help support activities on individual campuses that carry out the mission of Oregon AAWCC"to inspire, champion, and celebrate the talents within each of us."

The limit of the grant is $150 per application. The money can be used to pay for speakers, rent space, pay for materials, refreshments, etc. The activity that this grant program supports should be consistent with the mission of Oregon AAWCC and available to a wide range of campus colleagues.

Below is the simple form, which local campuses should use when applying for the grant. If you have any questions, please contact Denise Martin at: martind@gw.lbcc.cc.or.us.



Local Campus Activity:

Purpose of Grant: (One paragraph description of the activity which the grant will help fund.)

Benefit of Activity: (One paragraph of the benefit which will be derived from the activity.)

Budget: (Simple budget breakdown, e.g., $100 for speaker fee; $50 for announcements and mailing, etc. not to exceed $150.)

Other sources of support for the activity: (Identify other resources which will be used to help sponsor this activity. These may be either cash or in-kind donations. Note: It is not necessary to have other sources of support.)

Nature of the audience and the number of people expected to participate in the activity: (Briefly describe the intended audience and state how many people the activity is expected to involve.)

I attest that the above information is accurate and agree to submit a final written report to the Oregon AAWCC Board no later than two months after the conclusion of the activity.

Signed: __________________________________________________

Title: ____________________________________________________

College: __________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________

Phone: ____________________________ Fax: _________________________________

Email: ________________________________________________


Were Looking For a Few Good Women.

Oregon AAWCC Board Elections

The Oregon Chapter of the AAWCC has five Board positions open for election this year. The positions and their duties are listed below, along with a nomination form for you to complete. Please volunteer yourself or nominate someone you think would be a good candidate, only after you have received their permission and know that they are interested in serving.

These are two-year positions. The Board generally meets four to six times per year and conducts business by telephone, mail, or e-mail. A person elected to the Board will be expected to support the travel expenses associated with Board activities.

President Elect

Promotes membership and interaction among women in community colleges; maintains and updates a list of college contacts; serves as Region X State Coordinator; coordinates the annual election process; and promotes membership and interaction among women in community colleges.

Vice President of Communications

Disseminates information on courses, workshops, programs and services for women; keeps the minutes of the meetings of the Board and state chapter; coordinates information sharing through newsletters, telephone trees, or other methods deemed appropriate by the membership; and promotes membership and interaction among women in community colleges.

Vice President Membership

Maintains membership records and current membership lists; publishes the annual membership directory; prepares and distributes a membership brochure; markets new memberships and encourages membership renewals; provides membership information to the National AAWCC upon request; and promotes membership and interaction among women in community colleges.

Member-at-Large (2 positions opened)

Promotes membership and interaction among women in community colleges; and carries out any other special projects assigned by the Board.



Submission Deadline Date: October 18, 2001

You may fax this form to Dawn DeWolf, (541) 265-3820, mail the form to Dawn at Oregon Coast Community College, 332 SW Coast Highway, Newport, OR 97365 or e-mail Dawn at ddewolf@occc.cc.or.us.



President, Shirley Anderson, Retired, shirleyranderson@msn.com

President Elect, Dawn DeWolf, Oregon Coast Community College, (541) 574-7114, ddewolf@occc.cc.or.us

Past President, Marcia Keith, Retired, (503) 241-8055, marciakeith@home.com

VP Finance, Denise Martin, Linn-Benton Community College, (541) 917-4305, martind@gw.lbcc.cc.or.us

VP Membership, JoyLynn Woodard, Mt. Hood Community College, (503) 491-6927, woodardj@mhcc.cc.or.us

VP Communications, Chris German, Clackamas Community College, (503) 657-6958 ext. 208, chrisg@clackamas.cc.or.us

VP Professional Development, Vickie Chamberlain, Chemeketa Community College, (503) 399-2530, vchamberlain@chemeketa.edu

VP Special Projects, Lisa Tomlin, (503) 657-6958 ext. 3140, lisat@clackamas.cc.or.us

Member-at-Large, Abby Lee, Treasure Valley Community College, (541) 881-8822 x201, alee@tvcc.cc

Member-at-Large, Bonnie Olson, Central Oregon Community College, (541) 383-7741, bolson@cocc.edu

Member-at-Large, VACANT

Ex-Officio Member, Rebecca Kenney, Mt. Hood Community College, (503) 491-7428, kenneyr@mhcc.cc.or.us

Ex-Officio Member, Mary Spilde, Lane Community College, (541) 741-3075; spildem@lanecc.edu



Blue Mountain, Cynthia Hilden,(541) 278-5796,childen@bmcc.cc.or.us

Central Oregon, Bonnie Olson,(541) 383-7741, bolson@cocc.edu

Chemeketa, Maureen McGlynn, (503) 399-6145, maureen@chemeketa.edu

Clackamas, Lynda Graf, (503) 657-6958 ext. 2242, lyndamg@clackamas.cc.or.us

Clatsop, Lois Tivey, (503) 338-2371, ltivey@clatsop.cc.or.us

Columbia Gorge, Karen Carter, (541) 298-3110, kcarter@cgcc.cc.or.us

CCWD, Annette Young, (503) 378-8648 ext. 373, annie.young@state.or.us

Klamath, Sheila Spencer, (541) 882-3521, smallon@hotmail.com

Lane, Miriam A. Jordan, (541) 741-3075, jordanm@lanecc.edu

Linn-Benton, Ann Smart, (541) 917-4347, Ann.Smart@gw.lbcc.cc.or.us

Mt. Hood, Rebecca Kenney, (503) 491-7428, kenneyr@mhcc.cc.or.us

Oregon Coast, A.T. Ronan, (541) 265-2283 ext. 131, atronan@occc.cc.or.us

OCCA, Karen Nelson, (503) 399-9912, knelson@occa17.com

Portland, Leslie Riester, (503) 977-4497, lriester@pcc.edu

Rogue, Jeanine Hawk, (541) 245-7753, jhawk@rogue.cc.or.us

Southwestern Oregon, Cheryl L. Scott, (541) 888-7314, cscott@southwestern.cc.or.us

Tillamook Bay, Sammie Olson, (503) 842-8222 ext. 131, solson@tbcc.cc.or.us

Treasure Valley, Abby Lee, (541) 881-8822 ext. 201, alee@tvcc.cc

Umpqua, Sue Goff, (541) 440-4706, goffs@umpqua.cc.or.us

 Bylaw Changes

Check out the Oregon AAWCC website after October 17 for a list of the proposed amendments to the Chapter Bylaws. We will vote on these changes at the conference in November: http://aawccOregon.org/about.htm#Chapter

This page last updated: 6/5/02