2007 Oregon – AAWCC Summer Conference
Thursday, July 26, 2007
9 AM to 3PM
Best Western Hood River Inn
Hood River, Oregon -- a beautiful 64 mile drive east of Portland
"Discovering Your Strengths and Thriving in Change: Skills Needed by All Women Working in Community Colleges"
Come to Hood River, a setting that inspires, to discover your particular strengths and how to use those strengths in times of change. Our facilitator is Dr. Cris Cullinen, Training and Development Administrator at the University of Oregon. She will lead this interactive day using the research of Marcus Buckingham. Buckingham and Curt Coffman co-authored a book in 2001, First Break All the Rules that looked at management strategies that successful companies use. Buckingham’s latest book Go Put Your Strengths to Work challenges us to take responsibility for identifying and using our personal strengths in our work and personal lives.
Conference Fee: $75
The registration fee includes lunch, refreshment snacks, and materials. Please note that if you are a breakfast person, you will want to eat prior to the start of the conference.
Complete the online registration form and print to mail with your payment.
For registration questions, contact Karen Carter, Dean of Students at Columbia Gorge Community College
Lodging Information:
When making your reservations please indicate you are with the Oregon AAWCC Conference.
$74 non-riverside room, single or double
$99 riverside room, single or double
Rates will be extended prior to and after the conference.
Contact the Best Western Hood River Inn at 1-800-828-7873 or visit their website at
For those able to come early or stay an extra
day, check out our great list of Hood River activites or contact Maggie Johnson, at 541-506-6101 or mjohnson@cgcc.cc.or.us.
The conference team, Karen Carter, Suzanne Burd, Maggie Johnson, and Mimi Maduro from Columbia Gorge Community College and Dr. Wanda Clifton-Faber from Blue Mountain Community College look forward to hosting this conference and your participation.
Dr. Susan J. Wolff
Vice-President of Summer Conference