AAWCC Oregon Statewide Mentorship Program

The mentorship program is designed to facilitate professional development connections between individuals, such as:

  • Those aspiring to further develop within their career in community colleges
  • Those willing to share their experiences and provide insight
  • Those who envision themselves in a different position and are ready to model where they wish to go

Benefits of a mentoring relationship

There are many benefits that can come from a mentoring relationship, including:

  • Access to knowledge and experience
  • Guidance to elevate your professional capabilities
  • See things from a different perspective
  • Inspiration and motivation
  • The ability to test ideas and discuss situations in a safe environment
  • Connections

Join the program

If you’re interested in joining the program, you can learn more and sign up by attending the mentorship workshop at the AAWCC Oregon Annual Conference.

Annual timeline

The mentorship group gathers once a month throughout Winter and Spring terms to have facilitated group conversations on a specific topic.

JanuaryFacilitated group mentoring kick-off
FebruaryFacilitated group mentoring on effective communication
MarchFacilitated group mentoring on self-knowledge
AprilFacilitated group mentoring on creating community / community connections
May AAWCC Oregon Annual Conference at the Salem Convention Center! Session specifically focused on mentoring, and another that is an interactive meet-the-board workshop.
